The Official Poker Rules

As poker has grown into an international game, there is growing interest in having a set of official rules. Currently, different games have different rules, and players must adapt to the local customs and rules in each place they play. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. This is the motivation for a written code of official poker rules that would be accepted as the final arbiter of a dispute.

The official poker rules should include a definition of action, as well as how many chips are required to be deposited in the pot for a given hand. These rules should also explain how to determine the value of a player’s hand in each betting round. The rules should also establish whether a player may fold or raise. The official poker rules should also define when a card is considered exposed and how the player must react to that situation.

In addition, the official poker rules should establish a “kitty” fund. This is usually built up by cutting a single low-denomination chip from each pot in which there are multiple raises. This money is used for the purchase of new decks of cards and other supplies that are common to all the players. The kitty is then divided equally among the players who remain in the game at the end of the night.

The official poker rules should also establish that any player, dealer, or floorperson who sees an error in the awarding of a pot has an ethical obligation to call the floor over to resolve the matter. This will help keep errors to a minimum and ensure that the best interests of all players are served.